it was a saturday was to return from haridwar from another work tour.
he drove 200kms.reached delhi.went to office prepared a presentation.already 7 in the evening.
mind it ,it was saturday-official holiday. sent me a few forwards.he still had the tempo to do that.
on way home went to the fish market to get some fish.he sometimes cooks fish for us.tonite we were to have that treat.
after a tough day..he still had the energy to chat and joke like its a fresh morning.we had neighbours for was already past 10pmwhen they left.he begins to cook.delicious cookin as ever.he is laughing and joking all along.helps mom with the chores after a fab
maach-bhaat dinner.
he then sleeps like a baby only to get up next morning with his infectious energy.
12hrs on a holiday.this post is to acknowledge my love for u.u have always inpired me with ur fundas of life.and work.and everything.every moment spent with u is a learning experience.
u brought me that pair of roller-skates when i was 5 and introducd me to the world skating.u gifted me a pair on airgun and i learnt shooting.not many kids have that fun in life.
at times u irritate me.we have had our share of fights but u have always treated me like an indivisual and not as a is u who has taught me that being outspoken and being true is more important than being politically correct though the later helps at times.
dad i owe a lot to you.thank u for teaching me so many things about life..